About Meriha

I am a licensed independent clinical social worker (LICSW) specializing in individual and couples therapy, and maintain a private practice in Walla Walla, Washington.  In October of 2018, I relocated my practice from Kirkland, Washington. I am certified in Emotoinally Focused Therapy as an EFT Supervisor and therapist.

With over 25 years experience providing counseling & social services to individuals, couples and families; and as a graduate of Walla Walla University specializing in social work, I serve as private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients.

I am an interactive, emotion focused therapist. My therapeutic approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients effectively address personal life challenges. I integrate complementary methodologies and techniques to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client. With compassion and understanding, I work with each individual to help them build on their strengths and attain the personal growth they are committed to accomplishing.

Masters in Social Work (MSW), Walla Walla University
Bachelors in Social Work (BSW), Walla Walla University

License, Certifications, Training & Awards
Washington State Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker # LW60031221
EFT Supervisor, Therapist Emotion Focused Therapist for Couples
Advanced Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Employee of the Year (2002), Overlake Hospital Medical Center



Contact Today

30 W Main St Suite 205
Walla Walla, WA 99362

T (206) 300-9436
F (509) 524-8572

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